Managerial Implications of Integrated Business Operations

by Charles Klasson, Kenneth Olm



An old and continuing key problem confronting American business executives is the development of an integrated management effort capable of maintaining and improving the productivity and profitability of company operations. Recent attempts at integrating over-all business operations are causing a transition in management practices which portends as great an impact upon management, as of September 1965. Many theorists and practitioners alike have identified this as a transition from the age of analysis to the age of synthesis. In the business world this synthesis has been identified variously as the total systems concept, integrated business operations, and/or unified operations management. Clearly, the emerging focus is now upon the whole business as an operating entity that has tangible characteristics and qualities as opposed to its functional segmented parts. As a business evolves into more complex sets of activities, with numerous decisions involving many people frequently separated by many miles, inevitably task specialization and departmentation result in an attempt to improve the efficiency of operation. Organizing efforts have concentrated on establishing organizational responsibility and authority relationships which were intended to enhance the attainment of stated objectives at all levels in the company.

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