Management Control: A Suggested Formulation of Principles

Harold Koontz



This article focuses on formulating a conceptual framework for improving management in all kinds of enterprise and the training of managers. Much of both research in management and training of managers seems to have been proceeding from the questionable premise that exchange of experience and emphasis on technique are adequate to meet the widely recognized need for improving the quality of management. Control is one of the most widely discussed and studied areas of management. Considerable attention has been given to organization principles, and the basics of formal organization have been so well recognized and explained that most research and practice in organization show a clear awareness of theoretical implications, an awareness which may account for the relative effectiveness of most managers in organizational matters. A mature field of management cannot be developed without a scientific foundation, and a framework of principles appears to be a proper starting place. If research efforts were realigned to broaden knowledge of principles and to interpret this research in the light of principles, more progress could surely be made towards the development of scientific foundations for management.

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