Man and His Work

by Eli Ginzberg



The article presents results of the study conducted by a group at Columbia University, New York, on man's relation to his work and how human resources can best be utilized. University on man's relation to his work and how human resources can best be utilized. Human resources are the key to economic development. How people think about work, and what they consider to be important goals in life, will determine whether their country will develop or not. Unemployment is a scourge because it destroys the adults, and prevents their children from growing up properly. A country must have a national policy aimed at preventing and alleviating unemployment. Masses have option about the kind of life they want to lead. They can decide whether they want to throw the major part of their efforts and energies into the job or into activities unconnected with the job. The values that people hold, the objectives that they seek, the motives to which they respond, penetrate all aspects of their lives. Human beings require an opportunity for expression through work, which is the best tie between themselves and reality.

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