This article focuses on the management of time by executives. As the day developed, however, there were a number of instances where planning could not be followed. For example, the top executive in a division of a larger company could plan his day within his organization, but might have to meet any of a variety of sudden time demands by executives in the parent organization. Many of the unplanned for uses of time were related to the fact that many of the companies are engaged in government contract work in space, air or electronics industries in which crises can be expected. Time planning should probably also include time set aside for lower echelon, non-staff company personnel, for outside visitors, and for higher echelon company executives; however, the executive must recognize that no particular day nor hours can be arranged for these visits except in a limited way. By anticipating that he must have time for these activities, he does reduce some of the frustrations he feels when he does receive an unexpected visit. There does seem to be good reason to believe that efficiency in time use should begin by keeping staff and subordinates informed on when and how to contact the chief executive.