Management’s Dilemma–The Professional Employee

Richard Johnson, Walter Hill



The composition of the labor force has undergone a dramatic change since 1940. As one might expect, the implementation of more complex, more productive technology has reduced the need for unskilled laborers and farm employees. On the other hand, the demand for professional employees, managers, clerical assistants, and both skilled and semi skilled workers has increased. Professional employees, as a group, are better educated, more mobile, and enjoy a higher status than other types of workers. Their educational background is vastly superior to that of other workers. Interestingly, it is the entrepreneurial group that supervises the professional on his job. Professional employees are a scarce commodity in the labor market. Recruiters search college campuses each year to hire technically trained students. Some organizations even entice professionals from other firms in order to meet their own technical requirements. This increasing demand for professional workers tends to add to their mobility.

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