Are Business Schools Really Necessary?

William Frederick



This article focuses on the importance of business schools in giving business training. The businessman is the major figure in the American economy. He oversees production, distribution, and financing. He sees that employees are hired and fired and trained to do specific tasks. He is responsible for the conversion to productive uses of human, natural, and technological resources. This means he must be as knowledgeable about politics as about economics. And in these days of global politics and global economics, he must be as well informed about developments in Asia, Europe, or Africa as about the state of the city government in his own backyard. The businessman is more than economist, manager, politician, and global strategist. Today's businessman must also be a psychologist and even a sociologist. The great emphasis upon human relations in the work situation means that the businessman must be adept in the subtleties of human relationships. Yet that is the task, which is placed at the doorstep of the nation's colleges and universities, and particularly our collegiate schools of business administration.

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