A Dissenting Opinion on ‘Trade Union Conflict and Agreement With American Ideology’

Paul Sultan



The article focuses on trade union conflicts and their agreements with ideologies of American organizations. In the summer 1964 issue of the journal "California Management Review," Ernst Stromsdorfer delineates points of conflict between the philosophy and goals of American unionism and American ideology. He contends that the conventional description of American unionism as job-conscious, non-ideologic, pragmatic, and conservative should not obscure the incompatibility of union philosophy to contemporary middle-class values. His hypothesis is that the political doctrine of liberalism provided inspiration for both unions and capitalists--an inspiration to unions because of its humanism, an inspiration to capitalists because of the justification it provides for property rights. The essence of the union conflict reflects, for the most part, the reliability of the linkage between property, abstinence, growth and human welfare. The issue of technology has acquired ascending importance in recent years because of the startling innovations in capital now in evidence.

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