This article presents behavioristic view of coordination of human enterprises. There are four stages in any human enterprises: first, planning application of the associative faculties to the orderly sequencing or scheduling of the application of resources to the conduct of the enterprise. Second, organizing: mobilization of physical and human resources in conformity with the planned sequence. Third, executing: interaction of physical and human resources to produce the result. Fourth, rewarding: distribution of rewards to gratify the intelligence that has planned, organized, and executed the enterprise, and to reward the cooperators. No word is more used in management and administration than coordination. If management equals coordination and if both they and generalized human endeavors are concerned with communication, then language should logically have originated out of joint human endeavor at a primitive level. Anthropology and historical speculation have produced little of value here. It would be asking too much to find a magnetic tape encased in the limestone walls of the cave of Font-de-Caume.