One of the greatest challenges facing management today is to increase the skills of present and future managers. Two of the currently most popular approaches are formal management training programs and the installation of new performance appraisal systems-frequently described as management by objectives and appraisal by results. Although change can be effective even if not started at the top, die tacit approval, if not the active support, of the top executives is extremely helpful. For this reason, the implementation of the process began at the top with heads of major departments. Individual meetings were first held with them to provide an understanding of the program and to obtain theft approval, even if the support was not always wholehearted. Next, the results of the research showing the failings of the classical performance appraisal and the reasons for substituting were presented at the staff meetings of the department managers. Follow-up individual coaching and counseling meetings were then held with each of the department head's immediate subordinates to obtain approval. understanding. and commitment. This combination of informational staff meetings, followed by individual coaching and counseling meetings, continued down the management hierarchy until each manager had at least one individual meeting.