Educating Potential Managers About the Computer

Daniel Couger

Fall 1968

Volume 11
Issue 1

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Most schools of business are neglecting education in one of the most important managerial aids, the computer. A recent survey indicates that the majority of the recipients of diplomas from schools of business this June, both undergraduate and graduate, will have received little education in the use of this valuable managerial tool. This situation is enigmatic in light of the actual business environment, where the computer is an integral part of the managerial process in many firms. The problems of what to teach and the approach to teaching it are major deterrents to the development of computer curricula in most of these schools. On the other hand, a few progressive schools have been at work on this problem for a number of years and have developed a strong computer curriculum, designed to educate the potential manager concerning ways to use the computer to the best advantage. In addition, these schools have developed some highly sophisticated computer programs for use both in educational and business applications.

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