Manpower Developments and Requirements in Our New Service Economy

Paul Prasow

Fall 1968

Volume 11
Issue 1

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The search for solution to problems of employment and manpower utilization will continue to center around the shift of labor resources to the service industries in the next decade. The U.S. has been moving toward the third stage at an accelerated pace. Starting with an agrarian economy, there has been a gradual but steady shift of labor resources to manufacturing and, in recent years, more than one-half of the manpower needs have come from the service sector. The extraordinary rate of technological advancement and increased productivity in the U.S. is highlighted by statistics on total gross national product. Such tremendous industrial advance is, of course, the result of many forces. Gains from technological improvement and increased production have been reflected in higher wage and salary levels, as well as shorter hours of work. Another contributing force has been the shift of population, first from rural to urban and then to suburban centers. Many services once performed in the home have been largely transferred to the market economy.

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