The University and the Corporation: Partially Shared Goals and Separate Identities

by Clark Kerr



That "partially shared goals" of the university and the corporation is the topic of this article rather than "shared goals" is not to disparage the concepts of shared goals and cooperation. In seeking the bases for jointly shared progress between industry and labor and between both industry and labor and the government, and among students, faculty members, trustees, professional and political leaders and the public more generally, the author has found that the causes of "domestic tranquility" and promotion of the "general welfare" in a democracy require the finding of peaceful and progressive solutions even when group interests and motivations diverge. In spite of the necessity of finding these solutions, goals are, in fact, only partially shared, and such cooperation as there is must take place between separate-even increasingly separate-identities, in this case, the campus and the corporation. The topics which will be explored in this article include the goals of higher education, the interests of the business community in those goals, the historical dynamics of the relationship of the campus to the corporation and some suggestions for conduct by the campus, the corporation and both.

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