Computers, Modeling, and Management Education

Charles Bonini



The article examines some of the reasons for the lack of success in using computer models for management decision-making and to suggest what might be done in the education process both for current managers by way of management development and for future managers to reduce problem in future. Management decisions are of many different types. One categorization lists decisions on a continuum, ranging from more routine day-to-day decisions at one end to largely ill structured strategic planning decisions at the other end. The focus is on decision toward the strategic planning end of that spectrum. Such decisions involve determining the objectives for the organization and the major commitments of resources to obtain these objectives. Studies of computer management information systems indicate that these systems are designed and function to support the more routine, structured, and middle- to low-level management decisions. The image of a top-level manager sitting at a terminal or graphic display unit and interacting with a computer to retrieve information to be used in making important decisions is as visionary today as it was when it was first proposed in the early years of computers.

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