Reviewing the Policy Process

Dale Zand

Fall 1978

Volume 21
Issue 1

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The article presents a problem-solving model that serves as a comprehensive framework for reviewing and improving the policy-making process. Most managers and planners agree that periodic review of the policy formulation process would help generate better policies. This article presents three types of models of the policy process. The first two are comparatively simple but the third is complex. The first type is called an actor model because it focuses on the general manager as the main character in the drama of policy formulation. The second type is called a procedure model because it concentrates on defining steps and schedules, which together should result in a logical, tightly knit formal planning process. The third type is called a problem-solving model. It is the central interest of this article and will be discussed in detail. Managers and planners accept the general manager as a key actor in policy formulation. They also accept procedure models as a guide to designating and scheduling steps in the policy process.

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