Developing the Corporate Energy Plan

James Stock, Douglas Lambert

Fall 1979

Volume 22
Issue 1

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This article discusses the need of corporate energy plan for companies to successful implementation of marketing mix strategy and be prepared to fight with energy shortage. This discussion is based on "The National Energy Plan" of the U.S., which was unveiled by President Jimmy Carter in April 1977. It was hoped that consumers, businessmen, and government officials may disagree on the severity of the energy crisis, but all would agree that the U.S. is entering an era of higher priced energy coupled with periodic shortages. In 1976 and 1978 data were collected via a mail survey on the effect of the energy crisis on businesses and the action taken by them. Based on those collected data, corporate response is explored, with an outline of a general corporate energy plan and accounts of the energy policies used by some of the largest companies in the U.S. Strategic planning process of those firms is also examined with respect to effects of energy crisis on firms' marketing mix, like, product, price, promotion, and distribution.

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