In this article, the author discusses various psychological and sociological effects on persons' life after retirement with illustrating roles of organization, society, and persons themselves in developing coping skills. He describes that we are living in a youth-oriented culture where retired persons are the new survivors and reverence to the elderly a low priority item. The social status of retired persons reflect loss of power and responsibility. The main objective of this article is to improve the understanding of the process of retirement, its psychological, sociological, and economical implications. The author explains various ways of coping with retirement, its dysfunctional effects, the abilities of the older worker, and constructive responses that may ease the process. He suggestively describes "adjusted coping styles" and "defensive coping styles." He suggests that retirement, as a psycho-social transition point, can be celebrated with a banquet, a commemorative gift, or special treatment during the last day or days on the job.