Job Enrichment in Marketing

John Ivancevich, Michael Etzel

Fall 1979

Volume 22
Issue 1

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This article discusses the job enrichment policies in marketing strategic planning. In today's business environment managers, industrial psychologists, government officials, and the press are showing interest in improving quality of work-life. The benefits of improving the quality of life at work supposedly include healthier, more satisfied, more productive employees and more efficient, adaptable, and profitable organizations. Job enrichment is one potential solution to these problems, which includes designing jobs with more variety and giving the employee more responsibility for completing an entire job, feedback and the opportunity for meaningful work experiences. Job enrichment in marketing may supposedly make such jobs as sales or product management more rewarding. Retail selling is as attractive a target for job enrichment as industrial selling. It is suggested that increased satisfaction motivates the job holder to achieve higher levels of performance and improves company morale.

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