Linking Strategic Planning and Management Manpower Planning

Laurence Stybel

Fall 1982

Volume 25
Issue 1

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The article focuses on link between strategic planning and manpower planning. A corporate strategic plan is merely an expensive report until it is put in the hands of a manager who can execute it. A pairing of economist Eleanor Maccoby's management classification scheme and a product-life-cycle concept yields a model that can match strategic-business-unit operational requirements and the leader most likely to succeed. Management manpower planning refers to the identification of current and future job requirements, assessment of internal human resource capability in relation to those requirements, and institutionalization of management development and management succession framework. According to Maccoby, high-technology managers can be classified as types. Each personality type represents an ideal and most managers exhibit varying degrees of personality combinations. Nevertheless, Maccoby argues that his classification represents a well-defined scheme, capable of differentiating managers. One of the strengths of Maccoby's classification scheme is that it is comprehensive.

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