Marketing Information Systems: Uses in the Fortune 500

Raymond McLeod, John Rogers

Fall 1982

Volume 25
Issue 1

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The article focuses on marketing information systems and their uses in the journal "Fortune 500." A new study reports on the relative importance of marketing research and intelligence, as well as system use by management level, function, and marketing-mix ingredient. It has been more than fifteen years since the concept of a computer-based management information system (MIS) was ushered in with the third generation of computer technology. Since that time, the interest in MIS has ebbed and flowed with successes and failures as firms sought that single, integrated information system. Marketers were among the first to grasp the significance of the MIS and identified their own special subset-the marketing information system. MIS is a separate system for any functional area of a firm that would undermine the attainment of an integrated management information system. There has been more interest shown in marketing motivation systems than in comparable systems in other areas-- such as finance, production, and personnel.

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