Innovation as a Learning Process: Embedding Design Thinking

by Sara Beckman, Michael Barry

Fall 2007

Volume 50
Issue 1

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There is a generic innovation process, grounded in models of how people learn, that can be applied across multiple sectors. It can be applied to the design and development of both hardware and software products, to the design of business models and services, to the design of organizations and how they work, and to the design of the buildings and spaces in which work takes place, or within which companies interact with their customers. This article describes such a model of innovation, grounding it in learning models and developing its implications for understanding, implementing, and engaging in the innovation process. The article focuses on the value and functions of multifaceted innovation teams. It notes the difficulties inherent in innovation efforts, shows where some of the pitfalls are for organizations attempting to innovate, and emphasizes the need to be flexible and adaptive in using the innovation process.

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