Real-Time Leadership at Fabrinet (A): Navigating through the 2011 Thailand flood crisis

by Homa Bahrami, Stuart Evans

This case (A & B) provides an understanding of the 'real-time' leadership concept. The case examines Fabrinet's preparation in advance the Fall 2011 Thailand floods and the steps it then took to restart manufacturing within three weeks after one of its two Thailand-based plants was deemed inoperable and which had accounted for 40 percent of the company's total production capability. The case also provides an understanding of how Fabrinet's 'leadership DNA' also contributed to the company's ability to navigate through this crisis. Students will have the opportunity to evaluate the 'real-time' leadership abilities of Fabrinet's management team in their handling of this situation. The case ends with several questions, including those asking students to evaluate 'real-time' leadership within their own organization, to identify which of the leadership lessons are most relevant to them, and to contrast 'real-time' leadership with traditional leadership. Please note: This case also has a (B) supplement available.


Pub Date: Feb 18, 2014

Discipline: Organizational Behavior

Subjects: Organizational behavior, Crisis management, Global corporate cultures, Decision making, Management styles, Leadership, Risk management, Hiring & employment, Organizational culture, Manufacturing, Suppliers, Collaboration

Product #: B5795-PDF-ENG

Industry: Manufacturing

Geography: Thailand

Length: 17 page(s)

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