Fish Friendly Farming: Water, Wine, and Fish - Sustainable Agriculture for a Thirsty World

by Ernest Gundling

This case study focuses on Fish Friendly Farming, part of a nonprofit organization, the California Land Stewardship Institute. The FFF program is an example of an innovative model for cooperative public-private environmental collaboration and stewardship. The case provides a history of FFF and its ability to create networks and collaborations between parties that typically are challenged when working together in order to solve sustainability issues related to the land and farming. The case study also focuses on growing the organization.


Pub Date: Sep 15, 2014

Discipline: Social Enterprise

Subjects: Corporate social responsibility, Environmental activism, Green marketing, Networks, Nonprofit organizations, Sustainability

Product #: B5824-PDF-ENG

Industry: Agriculture, forestry, fishing & hunting

Geography: California, United States

Length: 17 page(s)

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