California Management Review
California Management Review is a premier academic management journal published at UC Berkeley
by Jennifer Walske and Laura D. Tyson
This case study focuses on Fair Trade USA, the leading third-party certifier of fair trade products in North America and founder, President, and CEO, Paul Rice and his challenges scaling FT USA, and the growth strategies that he and his team are debating. The case study covers a key point in FT USA's history amidst increasing competition from other certification organizations like Rainforest Alliance and Utz, as general market confusion over consumer packaging labels. Rice and his team are grappling with how to make the Fair Trade USA label more prevalent, as well as how to build a viable long-term business model, and the case discusses FT USA's role in helping companies like Hershey's develop sustainable supply chains.
Pub Date: Jun 9, 2015
Discipline: Social Enterprise
Subjects: Corporate social entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurship, Corporate social responsibility, Corporate strategy, Social responsibility, Growth strategy, Sustainability, Supply chain management
Product #: B5836-PDF-ENG
Industry: Retail trade,Food
Geography: United States, California
Length: 29 page(s)