Maddie's Fund: Building Community and Collaboration Against All Odds

by Jane Wei-Skillern

The Maddie's Fund case study focuses on the organization's collaborative philosophy and its system-level strategy of creating greater cohesiveness in the animal rescue movement that was fractured and had a history of 'trashing and bashing.' Unlike many other foundations, the Maddie's Fund has tried to create networks and collaboration across the animal welfare field as a whole with the goal of achieving a 'no-kill nation' for American's companion animals (dogs and cats). The case protagonist is Rich Avanzino, largely regarded as the father of the no-kill movement and the case ends with him leaving the organization and the future of Maddie's Fund.


Pub Date: Jul 30, 2015

Discipline: Social Enterprise

Subjects: Environmental activism, Strategic philanthropy, Activists, Nonprofit organizations, Entrepreneurship, Corporate social responsibility, Corporate strategy, Systems design, Collaboration, Networks

Product #: B5847-PDF-ENG

Geography: United States, California

Length: 22 page(s)

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