Journal Rankings

Impact Factor

We are proud to announce that based on recent citation rankings, California Management Review remains one of the most highly-cited practitioner-oriented research journals in the world, with a single-year impact of 6.3 and a five-year impact of 17.3.

In the JCR Category Rankings based on five-year impact factor, California Management Review ranked 2/302 in Business and 4/401 in Management.

Journals citation information is collected and analyzed each year in Clarivate's Journal Citation Report.

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Australian Business Deans Council (Australia)

The Australian Business Deans Council’s mission is to make Australia’s business schools better. As the peak body, ABDC fosters the national and global impact of Australian business education and research. Among the ways the council serves its community is by providing opportunities for members to share best practices by maintaining strong collaborative relationships between higher educational institutions, professional, and government bodies. The ABDC 2022 Interim Journal Review has given California Management Review a rank of A placing it among the top journals under evaluation. The review process was conducted by a group of well-respected academics.

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Chartered Association of Business Schools (United Kingdom)

The voice of the UK’s business and management education sector, CABS supports members to maintain world-class standards of teaching and research, and helps shape policy and create opportunities through dialogue with business and government. The organization's 150 members consist of 120 business schools and higher education providers, as well as affiliate stakeholders, corporate members and international partners. California Management Review's rank of 3 places it among the top journals used in evaluation. "3 rated journals publish original and well executed research papers and are highly regarded. These journals typically have good submission rates and are very selective in what they publish. Papers are heavily refereed. Highly regarded journals generally have good to excellent journal metrics relative to others in their field."

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Verband der Hochschullehrer (Germany)

The VHB is the German Academic Association for Business Research and pursues the development of business administration as an academic discipline at universities. The main objective of the association is to foster research and education in business administration, as well as providing a platform for members, practitioners, and domestic and foreign institutions with similar objectives. California Management Review's rank of B (A+ maximum) in the VHB-JOURQUAL3 ranking list places it within the top percentiles of journals evaluated.

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California Management Review

Berkeley-Haas's Premier Management Journal

Published at Berkeley Haas for more than sixty years, California Management Review seeks to share knowledge that challenges convention and shows a better way of doing business.

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