
Article Information

Help for Chief Executives: The Outside Consultant
Weinshall, Theodore D.
24/4  (Summer 1982): 47-58

In corporate sector, need for outside help has increased enormously since the beginning of the twentieth century. The evergrowing need for outside help has been undoubtedly connected with the dynamics of organization and management, caused by industrial revolution. Innovative growth since the industrial revolution has followed three main directions, which reinforce one-another--Technological and scientific advancement, product and service diversity, and geographical spread. These factors can also be accounted for the changes in management structure. All these changes may occur gradually and be unfelt as to their managerial implications. That's why from time to time it is important that the organization check itself with the help of action research, as people undergo medical check-ups to find out the condition of their health. The time interval between one action research project and the next should be from five to ten years, unless circumstances indicate it should be done more frequently.


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