
Article Information

BOOK REVIEW: Teaching Materials in Business and Society
Preston, Lee E.
25/3  (Spring 1983): 158-173

The article focuses on teaching materials in business and society. Contemporary development of the field of business and society in the nation's business schools is now in its second decade. Originally stimulated by the social changes and concerns of the turbulent 1960s, the field has become institutionalized as a result of continuing interest by top-level executives and with the support of the requirements of the American Academy of Collegiate Schools of Business. Although the precise tide by which the field is identified varies from school to school, incorporating such terms as environment, social issues, or public policy and the range of topical coverage is not entirely standardized, a fair consensus has now emerged as to the general scope of the subject matter. By late 1982 there were some nine major texts available in the field in original or new editions published since 1980, plus a number of additional volumes of text, readings, and cases of special interest. This review presents a comparative survey of the major texts named above, and briefer analyses of some additional texts and supplementary works, for faculty members and administrators interested in the state of the field and the evaluation of teaching materials.


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