
Article Information

Individualism in Management
Schoonmaker, Alan N.
11/2  (Winter 1968): 9-22

The traditional American dream is dead for most people. The traditional American dream has always centered on independence and individualism. A man could open his own business, buy a small business, get his own farm, etc. These opportunities no longer exist for most people, especially for the professional manager. People who are employees, will always be employees. Furthermore, an increasing percentage of them will always be employees of large organizations. Being an employee, especially an employee of a large organization, necessarily leads to the loss of a great deal of independence. Instead of making his own decisions, an employee responds to the decisions of other people. Instead of acting independently to control his own life and career, an employee gives up this control and becomes dependent upon his superiors and his organization. This loss of control is especially noticeable for decisions related to his own career. Instead of acting for his own interests, an employee is expected to work for the good of his organization and leave the decisions about his career to other people.


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