The One Foot Shelf–Soviet Economy

by Barry Richman



No other country in the world currently excites so much interest and concern among thoughtful Americans as does the Soviet Union. Since the launching of the first: Sputnik in 1958, and the emergence of repeated Soviet claims for the superiority of their economic and administrative system, interest in, and analysis of, the Soviet economy has increased considerably. There are two outstanding comprehensive sources of facts and figures on the Soviet economy accompanied by expert qualitative analyses. A current United States government publication entitled Dimensions of Soviet Economic Power is perhaps the best value for the money. This study is based on hearings and a compilation of works prepared for the joint Economic Committee of the United States Congress. Included are comprehensive data on Soviet economic development, industrial and agricultural performance and growth trends, labor productivity, employment, population, wages, development of human resources and education trends, personal income, consumption and living standards. There are pertinent comparative data oil economic development in the Soviet Union.

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