The Human Element in Communications

by Harold Geneen



In this article author discusses on the human element in communications. Establishing communications by working at it is such a sound and simple approach that, as one have found out, it works in any language. ft is hard work, but it is not a complicated process, and its rewards are great. Author tells that without reservation that it is in fact the greatest, fastest, surest way to establish an effective communications system within a company that author know of-and the results that stem from it. This approach to communications, moreover, encourages rather than stifles imagination and innovation. The constant give-and-take with its immediacy of decisions and cumulatively sought-out facts provides a stimulating environment and a rich soil from which ideas sprout. They can also be immediately examined, evaluated and projected in terms of future situations. In such continuing dialogues, possible obstacles can be spotted in advance and alternate plans developed for use, if needed. Solutions, in fact, are often worked out for problems that never occur, and new plans are moved years ahead.

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