Personal success and its relationships to policy positions is the topic of this study. The specific aspect presented here relates the relative success of the manager to his attitudes towards management policy positions. Policies are defined as general guidelines or courses, selected and observed to give consistency and continuity to planning, strategy, and day-to-day management decisions. The "Policy Positions, Priorities and Dissidence" questionnaire, developed in the Stanford Studies of Manager Attitudes, was the measuring instrument used. This questionnaire provides measures that can identify distinct patterns of managerial policies. Managerial success is compared to the policy positions, which the manager prefers and attributes to his company, as measured by the "Policy Positions, Priorities and Dissidence" questionnaire. The major hypothesis tested is that patterns of policy positions of managers with high career attainment differ from those of managers with low career attainment. Significant relationships are reported for the entire group of 344 managers. The attainer is differentiated from his colleagues by a greater emphasis on pay as an incentive policy, by a more modern view of organization policy, by an emphasis on management by exception as a control policy, and by his view of company policy as supporting most of these positions.