The Latent Manager: Identifying Him Early

Donna Rawls, James Rawls



CCCThe dwindling supply of managers is one of the major outcomes of the rapid industrial expansion in the U.S. The need for able managers now far exceeds the supply, and the deficit appears to be growing. Furthermore, managerial slots that must be filled today are increasingly more complicated and demanding. Thus, early identification and development of managerial potential is of crucial importance to the future success of our industrial organizations. Research to identify managerial talent within a given organization has been extensive. However, little research attention has been given to the identification of managerial potential outside the organization, at the college or entry level of management. Obviously, a major problem has been the lack of valid criteria applicable both to the older successful managers and to the younger potentially successful managers still in college. In the first step of this research, personality characteristics and biographical data were shown to be effective in significantly differentiating successful and less successful executives. In the light of these initial findings, the present study was undertaken to investigate the use of personality characteristics and biographical information in the identification of college seniors with managerial potential.

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