Consumption Behavior Across Ethnic Categories

Douglas Dalrymple, M. Yoshino, Thomas Robertson

Fall 1971

Volume 14
Issue 1

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The article presents information on consumption behavior. Why are some products more successful than others in ethnic markets? A great deal has been published about the consumption behavior displayed by ethnic groups. The objective of many of these studies is to determine whether special marketing programs are needed to appeal to ethnic market segments. A fairly typical approach is to compare the demographic characteristics of ethnic subcultures with those of the white majority. Trade publications, for example, frequently compare black spending patterns, buying power, occupations, education, population growth and locational factors with those of white consumers. A somewhat more sophisticated approach is to relate differences in ethnic consumption patterns to social or cultural factors. The utility of using ethnic media and integrated advertising in appealing to particular market segments is also open to a variety of interpretations. Some authors have suggested that integrated advertising may be more effective in reaching blacks, while others have recommended segregated advertising.

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