Negro Market–Fact or Fiction?

John Maggard

Fall 1971

Volume 14
Issue 1

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The article presents information on Negro markets. Is there a separate and distinct Negro market today? If such a market does, in fact, exist, how does it differ from the traditional "white" market? Does the marketer approach the Negro with a tailor made product, with separate channels and outlets, and communicate to this market through media and vehicles unlike those used in general business practice? Questions such as these will likely take on increased weight and significance as the Negro continues his drive toward better education, better income and an increased social and economic role in society. The purpose of this undertaking is to explore selected facets of the broad question regarding the existence and significance of the Negro Market. A sufficient number of Negroes with adequate purchasing power to constitute a separate market does exist. However, the same might be said of the Irish, Italian, or Jewish population groups. Is the Negro Market a separate one which differs considerably from the general market in the United Sates? Some authorities contend that the so-called Negro Market is inseparable from the total market, and for it no need exists for a special approach in the promotion of goods and services.

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