The article focuses on management information system. The perceived need to increase data-processing capabilities by either moving to a larger and more powerful version of the present machine or switching to a newer and technologically superior machine is usually considered prima facie evidence that the data-processing department is successfully carrying out its responsibilities. Distributed minicomputer systems are designed to bring the computer system into the location where data are collected and information is required through a network of decentralized mini-computers in a communication-based information system. The advantages to be gained from implementing such a system are diseconomies of scale, reduced organizational impact, a greater degree of flexibility arid responsiveness, and an increased fault tolerance. Most people involved with minicomputers challenge the belief that there is any difference between one of the smaller computers and a general-purpose, large-scale computer. Advocates of the minicomputer claim that almost anything that can be done on a large computer can be done on one or more small ones in the same manner.