
Topics human resources

human resources

The Value of Sam Altman’s Human Capital: An Event Study

Assessing the value of human capital to modern corporations.

Vijay Govindarajan et al.  
human resources

The Post-COVID-19 Job Market: AI in Recruitment and Career Guidance Services

By increasing scale, efficiency, equity, personalization of recruitment/caree...

Edoardo Beretta et al.  
human resources

How Does Your Labor Force React to COVID-19? Employing Social Media Analytics for Preemptive Decision Making

Social media analytics can be a powerful tool for business leaders in times o...

Patrick Tinguely et al.  
human resources

Remote Working 2.0: Balancing Work and Family during the Coronavirus Pandemic

During times of crisis, remote employees must serve dual roles as caregivers ...

Delancy Bennett et al.  
human resources

Tuning in to Generation Z

Some have been quick to dismiss Generation Z, but they’ve already outnumbered...

human resources

The Dark Side of Innovation: The Youthful Struggle to Maintain Mental Well-Being

Between 2005 and 2017, the rate of adolescents reporting symptoms consistent ...

David Salisbury  
human resources

The Future of Female Corporate Leadership

While strong businesswomen like Sheryl Sandberg are emerging in the popular v...

Amelia Sadler  
human resources

Workplace Wellness: A Source of Productivity

Encouraging wellness programs in the workplace has tangible benefits for empl...

Danielle Miguel  

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