
Search Results

Adapting to Technology and Competition: A New Industrial Relations System for the 21st Century
Miles, Raymond E.
31/2 (Winter 1989): 9-28.
Computerization in Domestic and International Manufacturing
Gold, Bela
31/2 (Winter 1989): 129-143.
Continuity and Change in Japanese Management
Mroczkowski, Tomasz , and Masao Hanaoka
31/2 (Winter 1989): 39-53.
Europe 1992--Opportunity or Threat for U.S. Business: The Case of Telecommunications
Thimm, Alfred L.
31/2 (Winter 1989): 54-75.
Managing Assets and Skills: The Key to a Sustainable Competitive Advantage
Aaker, David A.
31/2 (Winter 1989): 91-106.
Strategy Making in High-Technology Firms: The Empiricist Mode
Bahrami, Homa , and Stuart Evans
31/2 (Winter 1989): 107-128.
The Changing Face of Employees and Employment Regulation
Leonard, Jonathan S.
31/2 (Winter 1989): 29-38.
The Other Drug War: U.S.-Japan Trade in Pharmaceuticals
Yoshikawa, Aki
31/2 (Winter 1989): 76-90.


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