The Measurement of Attributed Image

by Robert Settle, L. Gibby



The purpose of this study is to examine one method of image measurement and to present a statistical technique for analysis of image components. The status symbolization process has been the focus of several studies in consumer behavior. In view of the psychological theories and findings concerning attribution, one might expect attribution to depend upon perception of an individual's behavior or manifestations of behavior. Since an automobile is a visible manifestation of purchase behavior and represents an important purchaser decision, it was expected that others with knowledge of that type of car would attribute certain characteristics to its owner. In attempting to support the hypothesis that people will form an image of the owner on the basis of the make of his automobile, the selection of appropriate stimuli may be crucial. Contrary to expectation, origin of the automobile did not prove to be important. Foreign producers therefore do not face barriers to acceptance which are as formidable as previously believed.

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