Reading the Fine Print in the Social Contract

by Mervin Field



The article focuses on social contract. The rise of consumerism is an outgrowth of the multitude of recent changes occurring in many sectors of the U.S. society. Business use of opinion and market research techniques has been a factor in democratizing the marketplace. The increased attention being paid to advertising by the public and governmental regulatory bodies is part of a larger change going on in the society. Until recently, advertising has been one-sided in its presentation consisting mostly of encomium and flattery. The consumerism movement is leading to a return of idea that truth will only emerge from the free and open conflict of ideas. The adversary system is being brought to the advertising arena and it is not without promise as a way of creating a better business climate. Whenever an industry gets in trouble and is assailed by its critics, it is interesting to note how its leaders respond. One of the comforting things about observing human behavior is that no matter how homogeneous, specialized, or narrowly based a group may be, there is always a refreshing diversity of human response.

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