Extending Open Innovation: Orchestrating Knowledge Flows from Corporate Venture Capital Investments

by Tobias Gutmann, Christopher Chochoiek, and Henry Chesbrough

Extending Open Innovation: Orchestrating Knowledge Flows from Corporate Venture Capital Investments

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Sources and applications of knowledge obtained from corporate venture capital investments can help companies orchestrate knowledge flows to help them innovate.


Although corporate venture capital (CVC) has been studied as part of open innovation (OI), assumptions about knowledge flows crossing organizational boundaries between “the inside” and “the outside” have limited those explorations. Drawing on an abductive approach to grounded theorizing, this article introduces an intuitive yet novel framework that traces the sources and applications of knowledge obtained from CVC to derive new conditions for how those investments allow companies to orchestrate knowledge flows to overcome barriers and increase their innovation effectiveness. Besides exploring traditional OI knowledge flows within the CVC context, this article further identifies and examines both outside-out knowledge flows (which help to shape an ecosystem for a corporate innovator) and inside-in knowledge flows (which overcome internal silos to achieve real innovation impact).

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