Issues > winter 2023

Volume 65
Issue 2

Table of Contents

Special Section on Open Innovation

Creating and Capturing Value from Open Innovation: Humans, Firms, Platforms, and Ecosystems
by Ann Majchrzak, Marcel L.A.M. Bogers, Henry Chesbrough, and Marcus Holgersson

Because not every smart person works for you directly, managing human interaction across organizational boundaries is central to open innovation.

Commercialization Strategies of Large-Scale and Distributed Open Innovation: The Case of Open-Source Hardware
by Thierry Rayna, Ludmila Striukova, and Emmanuelle Fauchart

The commercialization open-source hardware is not studied as often as the commercialization of open-source software, despite being more complex.

Extending Open Innovation: Orchestrating Knowledge Flows from Corporate Venture Capital Investments
by Tobias Gutmann, Christopher Chochoiek, and Henry Chesbrough

Sources and applications of knowledge obtained from corporate venture capital investments can help companies orchestrate knowledge flows to help them innovate.

Architectural Generativity: Leveraging Complementor Contributions to the Platform Architecture
by Coen van der Geest and Joey van Angeren

In an open architecture, architectural generativity is the process of actively soliciting and selectively incorporating contributions from complementors.

Distributed Governance of a Complex Ecosystem: How R&D Consortia Orchestrate the Alzheimer’s Knowledge Ecosystem
by Joel West and Paul Olk

Orchestrating an ecosystem requires coordination to create value. Multilateral public-private collaborations to find a cure for Alzheimer’s Disease demonstrates a new model of ecosystem control: indirect and distributed governance using R&D consortia.

Human Resources and Corporate Strategy

The Digital Workplace: Navigating in a Jungle of Paradoxical Tensions
by Olga Kokshagina and Sabrina Schneider

This article offers a comprehensive perspective on the multiplicity and interrelatedness of paradoxes in the digital white-collar workplace - such as benefiting from access to information at the risk of information overload.

Strategically Managing the Business Model Portfolio Trajectory
by Yuliya Snihur, Llewellyn Thomas, and Robert A. Burgelman

A radical restructuring of Hewlett Packard’s (HP) business model portfolio in 2015 resulted in two smaller, more adaptive corporate entities with distinct business models.

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