Table of Contents
Special Issue on the Metaverse
To Be or Not to Be: Will Virtual Worlds and the Metaverse Gain Lasting Traction?
by Andreas Kaplan and Michael Haenlein
Virtual worlds have experienced two major media hypes in their short lifetime. This article analyzes the reasons behind current caution expressed by companies and offers insights into the future trajectory of the Metaverse.
The Diffusion of the Metaverse: How YouTube Influencers Shape Mass Adoption
by Fabian Tingelhoff, Sebastian Klug, and Edona Elshan
This article describes the opinions of users who influence the metaverse’s mass adoption, clarifying their perception of what already works well, holds high potential, and presents challenges.
Exploring the Metaverse from a Legacy Company Perspective: A Capabilities-Based View
by Mario Benassi and Riccardo Rialti
This article examines how and why legacy companies explore the metaverse — a process that is both purpose-driven and largely incremental.
The Metaverse Flywheel: Creating Value across Physical and Virtual Worlds
by Paavo Ritala, Mika Ruokonen, and Angelos Kostis
This study presents a metaverse flywheel model providing insights into how the emerging layered modular architecture of the metaverse can enable new types of value-creation opportunities for organizations.
Exploring the Potential of Virtual Immersive Workspaces: Benefits, Limitations, and Implications
by Mahdieh Darvish, Markus Bick, and Laura Keresztyen
This article examines the phenomenon of virtual immersive workspaces and their impacts on organizations.
Metaverse Management as Urban Planning: Lessons from Paradise (Nevada)
by David Clough and Andy Wu
This article presents an analogy between the metaverse and the Las Vegas Strip in the unincorporated town of Paradise, NV, which arose in the mid-twentieth century as a focal destination for immersive entertainment.
Recent Issues
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Fall 2024
Vol 66, Issue 4
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Vol 66, Issue 3
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Vol 66, Issue 2
Winter 2024