Commit or Not? How Blockchain Consortia Form and Develop

by Janine Hacker, Gianluca Miscione, Tobin Felder, and Gerhard Schwabe

Commit or Not? How Blockchain Consortia Form and Develop

Image Credit | Rohit Choudhari

The extraordinary disruptions of the past three years are an opportunity to reengage with CSR in a more meaningful way, using neighborliness as a guide for transformation.


In blockchain consortia, different companies band together to develop, govern, and operate a shared blockchain-based system. However, many blockchain-based systems are exposed to the risk of never going live without a proper understanding of the peculiar collaboration this technological architecture entails. To understand how blockchain consortia develop and advance collaborative relationships, this article reports on an extensive analysis of online material and interviews of key members. It draws from the literature on interorganizational collaboration and digital platforms to explain the staged progression of blockchain consortia and the key features of blockchain consortia.

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