
Topics diversity


The New Leadership Model: The Rise Of New Roles For Leaders In The DEI World

We propose a new model of leadership that can help develop leadership in the ...

Mostafa Sayyadi et al.  

A Tale of Two Cities: Ticket Pricing and Diversity at Burning Man

Despite lofty aims for inclusivity, Burning Man has done little to curb the s...

Jeff Voss  

Lacking Diversity in Tech

Everyone has heard about the blooming success of tech in Silicon Valley. Howe...

Elle Mahdavi  

LGBTQ Hiring: An Insight into the Workplace

Though the LGBTQ community has achieved a series of legislative successes, di...

Dennis Takeshita  

Genentech: Bridging the Gap Between Corporation and Community

Genentech, a pioneer in the field of biotechnology, is among a new group of f...

Danielle Miguel  

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Berkeley-Haas's Premier Management Journal

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