Orchestrating Human-Machine Designer Ensembles During Product Innovation

by Jan Recker, Frederik von Briel, Youngjin Yoo, Varun Nagaraj, and Mickey McManus

Orchestrating Human-Machine Designer Ensembles During Product Innovation

Image Credit | Ryan Ancill

Firms can leverage different forms of machine designers in tandem with human designers to fundamentally change the way they engage in product innovation.


Product innovation increasingly involves both human designers (engineers, developers, lead users, creative geniuses, and other innovators) and machine designers (algorithmically organized software tools that autonomously collect and interpret data to make innovative design decisions). This article provides practical guidance about how firms can leverage different forms of machine designers in tandem with human designers to fundamentally change the way they engage in product innovation. It describes how successful companies have managed to optimally orchestrate the capabilities of human and machine designers to create both effective and ethical product innovations that were previously unthinkable.

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