
international business

Reasons for Globalization in Increasingly De-Globalized World

How to boost economic performance from international expansion.

Anish Purkayastha  

Leveraging Digital Transformation for Sustainable Development

From good intentions to action.

Dhara Vaishnav  

Pay to Stay

More firms should link bonuses to reduced business travel.

Stuart Collins  

How Managers Can Benefit from Multi-Modal AI Business Companions

A guide for crafting engaging, impactful AIBCs to amplify your ideas.

Daniel J. Finkenstadt et al.  

Unraveling Open Source AI

Defining open source AI and a framework for understanding the ambiguities of ...

Melodena Stephens et al.  

‘Bending Time’ in the Age of Generative AI: Is Your Board Ready?

Boards must overcome a gap in understanding technology so they can unlock val...

Arjun Bedi et al.  

AI, Employees, and Trust: How the Nordic Model Can Help Future-Proof Organizations

How companies can prepare for the HR impact of AI via employee engagement.

Andrew Packer  

The Critical Link Between Product Management and Business Strategy

The Product-Objective-Initiative Cube extends current product management know...

Alexandre Luis Prim  

Do Red and Blue States Walk Their Politicians’ ESG Talk?

Political rhetoric around ESG lacks economic substance.

Shivaram Rajgopal et al.  

Beyond Skill Matrices: Enhancing Board Effectiveness Through Director Purpose Declarations

How world-class resumes fail to match the skills and bandwidth for good gover...

Massimo Garbuio et al.  

Orchestrating Project Networks to Deliver Local Economic and Social Value

One must demonstrate how projects deliver value for small firms, local reside...

Jas Kalra et al.  

Building a Personal Board of Directors in an Era of Nomadic Careers

A PBOD offers a strategic, structured approach to professional queries and ne...

Noah Askin et al.  

California Management Review

Berkeley-Haas's Premier Management Journal

Published at Berkeley Haas for more than sixty years, California Management Review seeks to share knowledge that challenges convention and shows a better way of doing business.

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