
international business

Exploring the Nordic Model: Lessons for Businesses

The world admires the Nordic model—should U.S. companies follow suit?

Arnaud Paquet  

Balancing Profit and Purpose: The Power of Enterprise Foundations

Enterprise foundation governance helps businesses balance long-term vision wi...

Izzy Greer  

When More is More

Product proliferation might have a strategic purpose.

Angelo Tomaselli et al.  

Are We Asking Too Much Leadership from Leaders?

Remove organization design faults that wastes energy resolving needless confl...

Herman Vantrappen et al.  
corporate social responsibility

When CEOs Should Take a Stand in a Fractured World

Taking a stand on political issues is a signaling tool: What are you trying t...

David Bach  

The New Data Management Model: Effective Data Management for AI Systems

As AI and data are critical to businesses, ensuring the data used in AI syste...

Luca Collina et al.  

From Debriefing Management to Briefing Management: Pioneering Future-Oriented Strategies in the Digital Age

Shifting from past-focused to future-ready decision-making with digital innov...

Thierry Warin  

California Management Review

Berkeley-Haas's Premier Management Journal

Published at Berkeley Haas for more than sixty years, California Management Review seeks to share knowledge that challenges convention and shows a better way of doing business.

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