

Supporting Productivity with a ‘Remote-first’ Approach

A “remote-first” approach allows leaders to foster high trust & high competen...

Yolanda Blavo et al.  

“Data-Driven” is Not Enough

Managers often focus on data, but it is equally important to prioritize menta...

Michael Matthews et al.  

Medical and Social Scientists as Strategic Advisors: The Case of GloPID-R in 2021

Scenario planning helped scientists to do strategy with a different epistemol...

Giuseppe Paparella et al.  

Has Technology Sector Lost its Dominance?

Are today's doom and gloom fears for the tech sector merited or unwarranted?

Anup Srivastava et al.  

In the COVID Era, Why Corporate Health Benefits Demand CEO/CFO Leadership

CEOs need to change corporate management of health care benefits.

Regina Herzlinger  
corporate social responsibility

Corporate Activism When the Stakes Are High

How traditional organizations can navigate the space of corporate activism.

Aileen Noonan et al.  

California Management Review

Berkeley-Haas's Premier Management Journal

Published at Berkeley Haas for more than sixty years, California Management Review seeks to share knowledge that challenges convention and shows a better way of doing business.

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