

Beyond the Blockchain Technology Hype: When Does it Make Sense to Use Smart Contracts?

Businesses must know when to use smart contracts.

Bert-Jan Butijn et al.  

Hey ChatGPT, Can You Help Me Negotiate My Salary?

Assessing the efficacy of ChatGPT in guiding users through the process of sal...

Holly Schroth  

Book Review: Empathy Economics

Empathy Economics captures what has made Janet Yellen the leader of the US’s ...

Laura D. Tyson  

When and Why Gender Differences Emerge for Sexual Harassment Behavior

We describe motives and identity of underlying sexual harassment behaviors in...

Jessica A. Kennedy et al.  

Boosting Persuasion: The Attention Benefits of Multiple Narrating Voices

The "Voice Numerosity Effect”: When hearing different voices narrating a mark...

Hannah H. Chang et al.  

California Management Review

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