
Topics communication


Do Red and Blue States Walk Their Politicians’ ESG Talk?

Political rhetoric around ESG lacks economic substance.

Shivaram Rajgopal et al.  

Generational Divides: The Do's and Don'ts of Generational Labels

Generational labels are coming under scrutiny, but more than ever we need ‘ge...

Daniel Jolles et al.  

Optimizing Customer Involvement: How Close Should You Be to Your Customers?

This article provides a framework for analyzing customer interaction and part...


Blended Value Creation: The Mediating Role of Competences

Prosocial entrepreneurial competences help founders acquire resources to crea...


“I Expected More From You”: Navigating Client Trust Violations

Negative client communication may adversely influence professional judgment.

Anna M. Cianci et al.  

Digital Smallness at Work – Shrinking the Enterprise?

Social media & the online world has turned our networks and thinking narrower.

Terence Tse et al.  

Forming New Collaborations in Remote Work

Networks are resilient, but a year of remote work has taken its toll on organ...

Linus Dahlander et al.  

Ten Things Every Manager Should Know About Nonverbal Behavior

Whether they're aware of it or not, managers influence the people they work w...


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